3D computed tomography

Exact digital images of your components

3d computed tomography offers solutions for complex challenges

3D computed tomography makes possible not only quality control inside a component, but also permits the preparation of exact three-dimensional models for nominal-actual comparisons using the CAD data, as well as the preparation of initial sample test reports. 3D CT also provides valuable support during reverse engineering.

Do you have questions about industrial CT? Then call us straight away!

+49 7022 2796-680 info@qa-group.com

Look inside your components with 3d computed tomography

Many defects in components, such as shrinkage cavities, pores or inclusions cannot be seen from the exterior and are therefore difficult to verify during conventional quality control. Nevertheless, they can cause serious defects with catastrophic consequences. 3D computed tomography reliably detects these defects. With our practical test reports we provide you a tool with which you can efficiently find the cause.

The right choice for every workpiece:
nano, micro or macro-CT

Industrial computed tomography offers numerous possible options for the non-destructive analysis of components. Depending on the size of the object and the level of detail recognition required, we use the appropriate CT technology:

Nano-CT: new analyses in the nanometer range

Nano-CT: highest resolution for the smallest details

Nano-CT systems provide the highest resolution of conventional CT devices and are able to detect detail down to around 500 nm. For this purpose, special X-ray sources with very small focal spots and high-resolution detectors are used that can make even the finest structures visible. Due to the high geometric magnification, object sizes are limited to a few millimetres.

Micro-CT for analyses in the micrometer range

Micro-CT: precision in the micrometre range

Micro-CT systems operate with microfocus tubes using which a level of detail in the micrometre range is achieved. This technology is ideal for the analysis of plastic parts, metal parts made of light materials such as aluminium and suitable ceramic parts. The object size is limited to around 20 cm, which is due to the available tubes and image acquisition parameter requirements.

Macro CT: New analyses for large objects

Macro-CT: analysis of large objects in the metre range

For the analysis of large objects in the metre range, we use macro-CT systems. These utilise X-ray sources with a macrofocus and are able to detect detail in the millimetre range.

Typical applications are the analysis of castings such as engine blocks and cylinder heads, as well as large ceramic parts.

Fast, reliable
measurement results

  • Non-destructive testing of your components
  • Clear 3D depiction
  • Ability to detect detail down to 0.2 µm
  • Maximum component size 550 x 1,200 mm
  • Measurements of fragile components and components sensitive to physical contact
  • Acquisition of all internal geometries, such as bores, channels, hollow spaces and much more
  • Versatile volume-based analysis options, e.g. porosity analysis, nominal-actual comparison, wall thickness analysis or three-dimensional measurements

The right ct system for every requirement

  VARIAN 800 GE v | tonne | x
© General Electric
Deutschland Holding GmbH
© Carl Zeiss AG
GE microme | x
© General Electric
Deutschland Holding GmbH
GE Nanotom M
© General Electric
Deutschland Holding GmbH
  VARIAN 800 GE v | tome | x M300 ZEISS METROTOM 800 GE microme | x GE Nanotom M
Power (kV) 450 kV 300 kV 225 kV 180 kV 180 kV
Resolution max.
(depending on component size)
200 pm 7 pm 7 pm 0.5 pm 0.2 pm
Component size max./
Scan volume
Ø = 550 mm
h = 1200 mm
Ø = 360 mm
h = 400 mm
Ø = 250 mm
h = 300 mm
Ø = 680 mm
h = 385 mm
Ø = 240 mm
h = 250 mm
Component spectrum Large components,
aluminium components:
cylinder heads,
gearbox housings
Mixed material,
cordless screwdrivers,
drilling machines,
power modules
Plastic components,
fibre composites,
Printed circuit boards,
power modules,
connections or
integrated circuits
Small components,

Applications for 3D computed tomography

Non-destructive 3d testing
for various applications

Analyses for e-mobility
© sdecoret - stock.adobe.com


Analysis areas - Lightweight/materials research
© xiaoliangge- stock.adobe.com

Lightweight design and material research

Areas of analysis - injection molded parts
© oyoo - stock.adobe.com

Injection moulding and aluminium casting

Analyses for electronics production
© JOGI - stock.adobe.com

Electronics manufacturing

Quality assurance and monitoring in additive manufacturing
© Pixel_B - stock.adobe.com

Additive manufacturing

Analyzes of compliance with safety standards in the plastics industry
© MaciejBledowski – stock.adobe.com

Plastics industry

Added value at quality analysis


You receive from us precise measurement results, even at short notice. We have both the necessary personnel and a large range of equipment with excellent CT systems.


We provide highly precise measurements of workpieces, initial samples and series production components of any size and in any quantity. For this purpose, we have more than 1,000 m² of accredited, permanently air-conditioned measuring rooms.

Range of equipment

Our computer tomographs from well-known brand-name manufacturers such as Zeiss cover power spectra up to 450 kV. Our evaluation software also meets the highest requirements.


The accreditation of our inspection methods and measuring rooms signifies for you certainty, dependability and objectivity while our experts undertake your order.

With extensive experience, excellent equipment and sound expertise, our experts obtain the best from every analytical method so that you can rely on excellent measurement results.

+49 7022 2796-680 info@qa-group.com

How does 3d computed tomography work?

From the x-ray image to the 3d model

Industrial computed tomography provides three-dimensional images that make visible the structures inside a component scanned. For the 3D model, first a series of two-dimensional X-ray images are prepared from various angles and virtual sections of the component calculated from these images. These sections are in turn reconstructed to produce a virtual 3D volume. The data generated are then prepared using a special software application which makes possible numerous uses, e.g. assessment of the dimensional accuracy, analysis of defects and flaws or feedback into a CAD model. We undertake the evaluation using VGStudio MAX and ZEISS Inspect Professional.

What are the most important ct scanning methods?

There are two basic CT methods, specifically the cone beam method and the fan beam method. We have a comprehensive range of equipment for 3D computed tomography for all power classes up to 450 kV and offer both scanning methods. We use these methods to analyse vary small components as well as for large items with a diameter of up to 550 mm and a height of up to 1,200 mm.

Cone beam method

In the cone beam method the conical X-rays are acquired by a digital flat-panel detector after passing through the component. The fast cone beam method permits shorter measuring times and is particularly suitable for smaller components for the three-dimensional depiction of internal structures and for the detection of flaws.

Technical equipment:

  • ZEISS Metrotom 800 (225 kV, 3D CT)
  • GE v | tome | x M (300 kV, 3D CT)
  • GE microme | x (180 kV, 2D X-ray)
  • GE nanotom m (180 kV, 3D CT)

Fan beam method

In the fan beam method the fan-shaped X-rays are acquired by a line detector after passing through the component. During this process, individual cross-sections are obtained that yield a 3D volume by means of vertical stitching or by stacking the layers. The fan beam method is particularly suitable for large components and components with thick walls, e.g. cylinder blocks, for defect inspection and for measuring dimensions.

Technical equipment:

  • Varian ACTIS 800 (450 kV, 3D CT)

Advanced CT technology:
nano-CT, micro-CT and macro-CT in detail

Industrial computed tomography (ICT) is an imaging method based on the utilisation of X-rays to prepare detailed three-dimensional images of components. This technique permits the analysis of the interior of an object without damaging or destroying it.

Principle of operation of industrial computed tomography

Essentially, industrial computed tomography uses X-rays that are guided through the object to be analysed. Different materials within the object absorb the rays to a varying degree resulting in variations in the intensity of the rays passing through. These rays are acquired by detectors on the opposite side of the object; the detectors measure the intensity of the rays and convert this information into digital signals. During the analysis, the object is also rotated such that X-ray images can be taken from different angles. These numerous two-dimensional X-ray images form the basis for subsequent three-dimensional reconstruction.

From 2D to 3D using the latest software

With the aid of special software, the 2D images are combined into one three-dimensional volume image. This action is undertaken using complex mathematical algorithms that evaluate the intensity differences in the X-ray images and reconstruct the internal structure of the object. The resulting 3D model permits a detailed analysis of the internal and external structures during which exact measurements can be made, defects identified and material characteristics analysed.

Highest resolution for precision analyses in the nanometre range using nano-CT

We use nano-CT systems to obtain extremely high resolutions. Here special X-ray sources with high-resolution detectors are utilised to make the finest details visible. Due to the high geometric magnification, microstructures and material defects can be analysed with extraordinary precision. Accordingly, industrial nano-CT is particularly suitable for the analysis of small samples such as electronic components, biological samples or nanostructured materials. The resulting 3D images permit detailed characterisation, which is also of great benefit in research and development.

Detailed analyses for objects of any shape up to 200 mm

Industrial micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) is characterised by a balanced combination of high spatial resolution and flexibility in relation to the size of the object analysed. Both very small components and also large objects can be analysed in this way. The high-resolution 3D images produced provide precise information about internal structures and possible defects, which is crucial for quality control and research.

During micro-CT, the object inspected is positioned on a rotary table between the X-ray tubes and the detector. The table rotates by 360°; images are taken at between 800 and 1600 different angles. These different projections permit comprehensive acquisition of the sample from different viewing angles.

Macro-CT: efficient analysis of large structures in the millimetre range

Industrial macro-CT systems utilise X-ray sources with a macrofocus to achieve a level of detail recognition in the millimetre range and permit the comprehensive analysis of large, complex structures in the metre range. The resulting 3D models permit a thorough analysis of the internal and external structures, which is particularly important in industry for inspecting and assuring the quality of large-volume components.

DAkkS accreditation according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025

Accredited test laboratory
for 3d computed tomography

Our organisation is accredited in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 by Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH (DAkkS). We are one of the few test laboratories in Europe in which all specialist areas have been successfully accredited.

You can read more about the advantages our accreditation offers you here:

Find out more

Frequently asked questions about 3d computed tomography

Which defects can be found with the aid of 3d computed tomography?

3D computed tomography (3D CT) is excellently suited to the detection of component defects that are not visible from the exterior, for instance shrinkage cavities, pores or inclusions, even cracks or residues such as metal powder can be detected reliably. For this reason 3D CT is also often used for the inspection of castings.

How is 3d computed tomography used in industry?

As part of industrial computed tomography, 3D CT makes it possible to undertake not only exact measurements (e.g. of the wall thickness) on the object inspected, it also allows us to compare the results of the 3D measurement directly with the CAD data (preparation of nominal-actual comparisons).

What are the advantages of 3d computed tomography?

By preparing a three-dimensional model, the structures inside the component can be acquired holistically and clearly, unlike, for example, in optical metrology. Defects, shrinkage cavities, inclusions, pores and much more are not only detected more easily, they can also be located precisely.

Furthermore, measurements that would be very difficult to make on the real component can be undertaken straightforwardly on the 3D model. This aspect relates, e.g. to wall thickness analysis or the measurement of internal volumes.

What are the specific applications of industrial nano-CT, micro-CT and macro-CT?

Industrial nano-CT, micro-CT or macro-CT is the most suitable method depending on the application, level of detail required and object size. These specialised CT technologies provide bespoke solutions for different requirements and permit detailed, dependable results, independent of the size or complexity of the object.

Macro-CT is ideal for the analysis of large objects such as components from the automotive industry, e.g. engine blocks and cylinder heads, as well as ceramic components or metal parts made of light materials such as aluminium. On the other hand, micro-CT is suitable for medium-sized objects and is used in areas such as electronics (flat assemblies), machinery manufacture (die-cast components), the ceramics industry, biotechnology and medical technology, as well as archaeology and art. It provides precise analyses in the micrometre range.

If the issue is to obtain the highest resolutions for the smallest structures, industrial nano-computed tomography is the method of choice. It is suitable, for instance, for checking lithium-ion batteries for ageing effects on the cathode at grain level. In the electronics and semiconductor industries, we also undertake structure and damage analyses, analyse printed circuit boards and characterise damage down to the sub-micrometre range. Nano-CT is also used in additive manufacturing and permits detailed analyses of particles in the bed of powder and microstructural analyses of additively manufactured parts.

What options does industrial computed tomography offer in the area of reverse engineering?

Industrial computed tomography offers many options in the area of reverse engineering. By means of highly precise three-dimensional imaging, existing components can be analysed in detail and digital models prepared. This so-called reverse engineering makes it possible to produce exact digital replicates of physical objects. These models are used as the basis for the further development, optimisation or reproduction of components, which significantly accelerates and improves the development process.


the right partner

for 3d computed tomography

What can we measure and analyse for you?
We would be pleased to advise you about the numerous possibilities and combined analytical methods. The goal: the best, most cost-effective and most efficient analysis of your component.

Call us, we look forward to hearing from you!
