Analysis of PFAS chemicals using CIC


Verification and analysis of PFAS in industrial and environmental samples

PFAS analytics for the best results

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of synthetic chemicals used in numerous products due to their water, grease and dirt-repelling characteristics. Their release entails serious health and environmental risks, which is why governmental and standardisation forums are working on measures to counter the most harmful PFAS. For this reason, the exact monitoring of PFAS in industry is to be strongly recommended.

Our accredited laboratory uses the latest technology and sound expertise to ensure the precise and comprehensive analyses of your samples, so that you can be certain your processes and products meet regulatory and ecological standards. We acquire the total concentration of all fluorine compounds (total fluorine TF) in your sample as well as the total quantity of all organic fluorine compounds by determining the sum parameters AOF, EOF and TOF. This enables an effective risk assessment.

+49 7022 2796-681

PFAS analytics in the laboratory at Quality Analysis - your advantages

At Quality Analysis we determine the overall levels in your sample by means of the sum parameters TF, TOF, AOF and EOF. These sum parameters permit the measurement of all organic compounds containing fluorine in a sample. They provide a more precise estimation of the PFAS content than analysis of the individual compounds and ensure your products comply with verification limits. Due to the numerous unknown PFAS compounds, single-substance analysis cannot provide an accurate estimate of the risk potential. Sum parameters, on the other hand, provide valuable information about the spatial distribution and concentration of PFAS in your sample. The approach is not only more precise, it is also less expensive and saves time because it provides a broader overview of the fluorine levels without the need to analyse each individual compound specifically.

CIC for PFAS analysis in samples

At a glance: PFAS analytics at Quality Analysis

We verify the presence of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances using combustion ion chromatography (CIC) in a variety of matrices such as water, soils, plastics and biological samples. We determine the total fluorine content (TF) and the sum of the organically bound fluorine (AOF, EOF, TOF). These results give you more information and permit better categorisation of the risk.

Fast and reliable
measurement results

  • Quick, reliable solution for your fluorine analysis
  • Determination of the concentration of fluorine using sum parameters TF, TOF, AOF and EOF in a variety of matrices: water, soil, plastics, biological samples
  • High accuracy and precision due to combustion IC (CIC)
  • Determination of the sum parameter AOF in accordance with DIN 38409-59 for the quick, reliable screening of the adsorbable organically bound fluorine in water samples
  • Determination of the sum parameter EOF for extractable organically bound fluorine in solids
  • The analysis meets the requirements: ASTM D7359-23, ASTM D5987-96(2007)
  • Analysis for the summed acquisition of poly- and perfluoro organic compounds (PFC) in waste water
CIC for PFAS analysis in samples
Sample preparation for analysis for fluorine compounds

Technical equipment

Our laboratory is equipped with the latest technology for the precise analysis of PFAS. A key element of our PFAS analytics is combustion ion chromatography (CIC), which makes possible the exact determination of the total fluorine. This figure is crucial for the indirect verification of PFAS in numerous samples. In addition, we use advanced techniques for sample preparation, including solid-phase extraction, to isolate PFAS efficiently from complex matrices. This combination of state-of-the-art equipment and specialised methods ensures the highest accuracy and reliability of our PFAS analyses.

Applications for chemical analytics

Highly precise measurement and
analytical methods
by application

Added value at Quality Analysis


You receive from us precise measurement results, even at short notice. We have the necessary analysis systems and the necessary personnel for informative analysis results.


We provide analyses for the determination of the sum parameters TF, AOF, EOF and TOF. For this purpose, we have approx. 500 m² of accredited, permanently air-conditioned laboratory rooms.

Range of equipment

Our technical facilities are equipped to suit your needs. We have the right measuring instrument for every measuring task. For our systems we rely on Metrohm and Anton Paar.


The accreditation of our inspection methods and measuring rooms signifies for you certainty, dependability and objectivity.

Harmful fluorine compounds in everyday objects
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Challenges of PFAS analytics

During PFAS analytics, it is necessary to take into account, on the one hand, the diversity of more than 10,000 different compounds and the often low concentrations of these chemicals in different environments. On the other hand, the characteristics of PFAS can vary depending on the matrix, which affects the accuracy of the analysis. As a consequence, it is difficult and time-consuming to determine the exact structures and concentrations of all these compounds in samples. Against this background, sum parameter methods are of major importance because they offer a comprehensive overview of the PFAS levels - without the need to specify every single compound. They are therefore essential for an effective risk assessment and for compliance with verification limits.

Our experts combine sound expertise with modern technology for PFAS analytics to deliver exact, dependable results. We make sure you can rely on our analyses to verify that your products meet safety and environmental standards.

+49 7022 2796-681

DAkkS accreditation according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025

Accredited test laboratory
for Chemical Analytics

Quality Analysis, as an independent and accredited test laboratory, can assist you during the verification of the presence or absence of PFAS in your samples and during the manufacture of certified, PFAS-free components. Our laboratory is accredited as per DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 by Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH (DAkkS). As one of the leading European test laboratories in this area, we have achieved successful accreditation for all relevant specialist areas.

You can read more about the advantages our accreditation offers you here:

Find out more

Applications for PFAS analytics

PFAS analytics is necessary in many sectors and areas to remain productive, also in future. It provides the necessary verification for listing as  PFAS-free or the necessary knowledge for making changes to the constituents of your product.

Analyses for environmental and water management
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Environment and water management:

PFAS analytics makes it possible to determine the sum parameter AOF in accordance with DIN 38409-59 for the quick, reliable screening of the adsorbable organically bound fluorine in water samples, which is crucial for drinking water safety and the protection of aquatic ecosystems. Our precise analytical methods assist environmental authorities and water utilities in ensuring compliance with regulatory limits.

Analyzes of compliance with safety standards in the plastics industry
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Plastics industry:

PFAS analytics is essential in the plastics industry for detecting and preventing PFAS contamination in plastics to ensure the safety and quality of products. Our analytics support compliance with safety standards and promote the development of materials that are less harmful for the environment.


Residue analysis for the paper and packaging industry
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Paper and packaging industry:

Burger boxes, bags for fries, paper for wrapping sandwiches, as well as disposable cutlery are but a few examples of packaging materials that may be treated with PFAS. Our precise analytical methods support the industry during compliance with strict safety standards and the protection of the health of consumers.

Analyses for the cosmetics industry
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Cosmetics industry:

By means of our analytics, the manufacturers of cosmetics can ensure that their products comply with the strictest health and safety standards and are free of undesirable chemicals. Whether sunscreen, shampoo or makeup: our analytics help to identify the presence of organically bound fluorine compounds in numerous cosmetic articles or to certify freedom from PFAS.

Analysis areas - Automotive sector
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Automotive industry:

We support manufacturers during the verification of the total fluorine levels in various components such as seals, coatings and lubricants. Our precise analyses help to ensure compliance with strict environmental regulations and promote the development of PFAS-free alternatives.


Pollutant analysis in the textile and clothing industry
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Textile industry:

In today's textile industry, compliance with environmental standards and the safety of textile products, in particular those with water-repellent and stain resistant materials, is of major importance. With our specialised PFAS analytics, we help manufacturers to confirm and ensure their products are free of PFAS.

Frequently asked questions about PFAS Analytics

Why is PFAS analytics necessary?

PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) are found in many industrial and consumer products. Their durability and longevity, however, lead to accumulation in the environment and in living organisms, which has resulted in growing regulatory requirements and bans. The analysis of PFAS is therefore imperative to ensure compliance with these statutory regulations and to monitor the proliferation and concentration of these chemicals.

What are per- and polyfluoroalkyl compounds?

PFAS are industrially manufactured organic compounds in which the hydrogen atoms bound to the carbon are completely (perfluorinated) or partially (polyfluorinated) replaced by fluorine atoms. Due to this structure, PFAS have special chemical and physical characteristics. They are, for instance, water and oil-repellent and therefore particularly useful in industrial applications. They are also very stable, which in turn results in their high persistence, that means they are difficult to break down and are, in the meantime, omnipresent in the environment and living organisms. For this reason they are also termed "forever chemicals".

Where are PFAS analytics used?

They are used in many areas, including environmental monitoring, foodstuff and water quality tests, product inspection and industrial quality assurance. In environmental and water management, PFAS analytics play a key role because they help to monitor and secure the quality of water resources. This is particularly relevant during the analysis of drinking water and surface water for PFAS contamination. In the plastics industry, these analytics are used to ensure the safety of plastic products, in particular products that are in direct contact with foodstuffs or the skin. Furthermore, during the evaluation of soil samples PFAS analytics permits precise assessment of soil quality, above all in regions potentially affected by industrial pollution. These analyses are crucial for ensuring compliance with environmental standards and designing production processes so they are sustainable.

Why is the determination of the sum parameter better suited to the measurement of PFAS than individual analytics?

The substance group PFAS includes many thousands of individual substances, up to now de minimis thresholds have only been introduced for a few – there is therefore no evaluation framework available for many compounds. Also, for many applications it is still unknown which PFAS are used and which transformation and decomposition products are produced. It would therefore be necessary to test a sample for tens of thousands of individual compounds to obtain informative results by means of individual substance analytics. One can imagine: this testing would not only be time-consuming, it would also involve very high costs. Sum parameters, on the other hand, offer an efficient means of obtaining a comprehensive picture of PFAS levels, which is particularly advantageous in industrial applications.


the right partner

for PFAS analytics

What can we measure and analyse for you?
We would be pleased to advise you about the numerous possibilities and combined analytical methods. The goal: the best, most cost-effective and most efficient analysis of your component.


Call us, we look forward to hearing from you!
