Division of labor, increasing quality requirements and the need to optimize production costs demand complete and clear product specifications that contain all the information relevant to the product. This is why ISO GPS was published in 2011.
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ISO GPS – briefly explained
ISO GPS is a system of standards for geometric product specification (GPS). The standards it contains define the geometric specifications of products, including tolerances for shape, orientation, position and run. The aim of the ISO GPS system is to provide uniform and precise methods for geometric product specification that can be applied worldwide.
Why is ISO GPS so important?
ISO GPS was introduced to standardize manufacturing processes at an international level. It represents a coherent and comprehensive system of standards for the geometric specification of products. On the one hand, this enables internationally standardized communication between designers, manufacturers and quality inspectors. On the other hand, this system helps to improve product quality and reliability. This is because it not only defines precise tolerances for shape, orientation, position and run, but also contains specific requirements for the verification of a product, such as the permissible measuring equipment and information on its calibration.
Fewer manufacturing errors and easier communication
This leads to improved compatibility and interchangeability of components and products across national borders, which is particularly important in globally networked supply chains and international cooperation in manufacturing. ISO GPS also helps to minimize manufacturing errors and ensures that the end products meet the requirements and specifications.

Quality Analysis supports you with quality control
At Quality Analysis, we take over the necessary quality controls for you in order to monitor and ensure compliance with the geometric product specifications. With our modern machinery, we are able to meet any challenge in the field of product monitoring, including tolerance testing. Our experts use industrial computer tomography as well as optical metrology and tactile measurement technology to take precise measurements with an accuracy of a few thousandths of a millimetre. If required, we combine all three methods - enabling us to correctly record even the most demanding external and internal geometries.
Not sure which method is best suited to your requirements? Simply contact us and our experts will be happy to advise you individually - without any obligation, of course.
What exactly is specified in the ISO GPS?
The ISO GPS standards are used to define geometric properties such as length dimensions, shape and position tolerances, surface tolerances, radii and angles. In addition, there are many other factors that are specified by ISO GPS: It specifies requirements for all areas of application and product stages - from design, through drawing creation, to production, the testing and measuring technology to be used, as well as its calibration and evaluation of the data.
The structure of ISO GPS – the matrix model
The ISO GPS matrix model is a structuring framework within the ISO GPS system. It arranges the various ISO GPS standards in a matrix based on two axes: the specification axis and the verification axis. The specification axis groups basic standards that deal with the definition of tolerances and other geometric properties. The verification axis comprises the standards relating to the measurement and testing of these properties. This model makes it possible to understand the relationship between different standards and to determine which standards are relevant for certain aspects of geometric specification and verification. As a result, it helps users to select the right standards for specific product development and testing requirements.
The chain links: accuracy and quality through interdependencies
The concept of chain links within the ISO GPS system describes the way in which different norms and standards are linked together to ensure comprehensive specification and verification of a product's geometric properties. Each chain link represents a specific norm or standard within the ISO GPS system. These links are interconnected to ensure coherent and complete coverage of all aspects of geometric product specification - from the definition of requirements to the measurement and verification of properties. Thus, the entire system forms a hierarchical chain of standards that work together to ensure accuracy and quality in product design and manufacturing.
The foundation of the ISO GPS Standards: DIN ISO 8015
DIN ISO 8015:2011 is one of the fundamental basic standards. This means that it influences all other standards in the ISO GPS system. It deals with many fundamental assumptions and principles that apply to all GPS standards and technical product documentation. These principles help to reduce the ambiguity of technical product specifications. In total, DIN ISO 8015 defines thirteen principles that have an impact on the ISO GPS system. The three most important ones are outlined below.
The most important principles at a glance
The most important is probably the principle of calling. It states that as soon as a sub-area of the ISO GPS system is called up in a product specification, the entire system automatically applies if nothing else has been entered in the documentation.
The principle of independence is another central principle. It states that each geometric requirement should be considered independently of others, unless explicitly stated otherwise in the specifications. In addition, DIN ISO 8015 defines a GPS standards hierarchy by which they are grouped. There are basic GPS standards, global GPS standards, general GPS standards and supplementary GPS standards. This means that the higher-level basic standards have a direct influence on the subsequent, lower-level GPS standards.
Briefly summarized: ISO GPS
ISO GPS standardizes geometric product specifications in order to standardize global manufacturing processes. It defines detailed geometric properties and tolerances of products and thus facilitates international communication between manufacturers. Key elements are the matrix model for organizing the standards and the concept of chain links, which emphasizes the interdependence of the standards.