Trying something new:
Business courage as the driving force for success
Quality Analysis has been around since 2007. During this time, our accredited competence center for quality assurance has not only grown considerably in terms of space, but also in the number of specialist areas and the range of analysis options. To keep pace with this development, entrepreneurial courage and foresight were and are required.
In 2017, we relocated our company headquarters and built a new building on a greenfield site. In the meantime, however, we have also reached our limits with the local company building, so that we are currently working on an extension. Our goal was and is to remain a leading service provider and trustworthy partner for our customers throughout Europe. And this can only be achieved with innovation and a strong commitment to excellence.
Discover the power of the new with us. Shape quality and experience success together with us.

Josef Faigle
Founder and General Manager CEO
All our dreams can come true - if we have the courage to pursue them.
~ Walt Disney ~
"Two things drive us forward here at Quality Analysis: courage and the urge to continue to move forward. As a businessperson you need courage. Courage for strategic and visionary decisions. Courage even if you could fail. Courage to test the limits of the feasible. Courage to keep going even if things are going wrong. And courage to correct the chosen path if necessary."

Peter Ernst
Founder and General Manager COO
Wenn du dich und dein Unternehmen nicht antreibst, wird der Markt dich und dein Unternehmen austreiben.
~ Bertie Charles Forbes ~
"Standing still is not for us. While managing our business, we are conscious that speed, determination and clarity are crucial for our success. We are never satisfied with mediocrity, are always alert and always on the move. In this way we progress, we continue to evolve and further develop our products and offer our customers even better service."

Denis Hahn
General Manager CFO
Don’t think what’s the cheapest way to do it or what’s the fastest way to do it. Think what’s the most amazing way to do it.
~ Richard Branson ~
"The daring to try something new is the essential driving force behind entrepreneurial success. Entrepreneurial courage gives birth to innovative ideas and creative solutions. The path of the unknown holds risks, but also immense opportunities for growth and progress. Taking the leap into the unknown requires perseverance and a clear vision to overcome obstacles and ensure long-term success. Ultimately, it is entrepreneurial courage that makes the difference between success and stagnation and rewards those who are prepared to dare the impossible."
The beginning | 2007
Sometimes dissatisfaction is the driving force behind venturing something completely new. In our case, it was dissatisfaction with the entrenched structures in long-established companies. Our passion for high-quality analysis and engineering services led us to pool our knowledge and our drive for change and found Quality Analysis in 2007. Our quality assurance service center in Dettingen/Teck was already visionary at the time and always one step ahead of the times.
Our goal was and is to act independently and offer engineering services at the highest level. Even in the start-up phase, we established the specialist areas of industrial computed tomography and technical cleanliness verification as services, found qualified employees and trained them accordingly. With this specialist know-how and a great deal of entrepreneurial courage, we have been able to steer the rapid growth since the company was founded in the right direction.

Step into Switzerland | 2015
In 2015, we opened our branch in Switzerland in order to be able to offer our Swiss customers the full range of quality analysis services. We are part of a network of innovative companies from the technology and research sector at the Technopark in the high-tech center of Aargau.

New company headquarters at the new site | 2017
After around ten years at its founding location, Quality Analysis was about to take a big step: We moved from the small town of Dettingen to our newly built company headquarters in the Großer Forst industrial estate in Nürtingen. This was one of the first buildings to set a milestone for innovative and sustainable construction. With a building area of more than 3,300 square meters, we now had enough space to restructure and expand our laboratory areas. Quality Analysis now has six specialist areas for quality assurance: in addition to industrial computed tomography and technical cleanliness verification, the areas of industrial metrology, optical metrology, materialography and chemical analytics were gradually added. All departments are equipped with the most modern and innovative technology and our more than 85 experts currently have the greatest know-how for all analysis issues.

Big step forward | 2024/2025
"Standing still is a step backwards." True to our company motto, we are once again making important decisions in 2025. In order to meet the increasing demand for quality services, we are expanding at the Großer Forst site in Nuertingen: We have started work on an extension to the rear hall aisle. This will increase our usable space by a total of 2,300 up to more than 4,500 square meters, which corresponds to a doubling of the service area.
The Logistics department will have more space and the Materialography and Chemical Analytics departments will be separated due to their strong growth and the large number of new analysis systems and applications. All other departments will also receive additional space, which will create new development opportunities. In addition, new departments are in the starting blocks: Microbiology, Pharmacy and Medical Technology. With the extension, we are making ourselves fit for new challenges and consider ourselves well equipped for the future.